Integral Review

A Transdisciplinary and Transcultural Journal For New Thought, Research, and Praxis

Posts Tagged ‘Indian Mythology’

Chinmoyee and Mrinmoyee

Karabi Sen

Chinmoyee and Mrinmoyee are two different ways of looking at divinity in a feminine form. Chinmoyee emphasizes the attainment or realization or manifestation of higher consciousness as being divine while Mrinmoyee hugs the earth and brings home the deliberation that mrit or the earth is the mother of all being, including all forms of consciousness and deserves to be acclaimed as the deity. Mrit means earthen in Sanskrit and the earth is what all living creatures are made of. It is the spring, the sustenance of all life and also that to which life reverts back after a particular form of it ceases to function, to be regenerated as another form of life when the necessary conditions appear. Mrit, also called Mrittika in Sanskrit and “mati” in Bengali, is the mother of all life. It is etymologically connected to “matter,” “matre,” “madder” of the Indo-Iranian-European group of languages. Matter has been contemplated to be a lifeless substance by some philosophers but the term is essentially expressive of what we know to be the mother of us all—that from which we sprung, that in the womb of which we all came to be, slept and grew until we evolved further and that to which we return in final embrace until we transform into another being. Matter and mrit are viewed as lifeless by philosophers who try to preach ultimate divisions and the purpose of this paper is to overthrow such absolute dichotomies as false. The paper purports to establish that consciousness and matter are one and inseparable and hence Chinmoyee and Mrinmoyee an identical entity.

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