Peer Reviewed
The Lenses of Perception Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
Doug Marman
Vertical Transformation of Leadership Culture
John B. McGuire and Charles J. Palus
Creating Responsive Learning Environments to Develop Students’ Reflective Capacity
Patric Wallin, Jonathan Reams, Sven Veine, Martha Kalvig Anderson
Love in a Time Between Worlds: On the Metamodern “Return” to a Metaphysics of Eros
Zachary Stein
Editorially Reviewed
Awakened Perception: Perception as Participation
Bonnitta Roy
Late Stages of Adult Development: One Linear Sequence or Several Parallel Branches?
Thomas Jordan
The Construct-Aware Stage of Ego Development and its Relationship to the Fool Archetype
Susanne Cook-Greuter
The Nordic Secret: What can we Learn?
Jonathan Reams
Postformal Education: A Philosophy for Complex Futures
Matthew Rich-Tolsma