Vol. 7 No. 2 Oct 2011
Peer Reviewed
“Holistic Democracy” and Citizen Motivation to Use a More Holistic Approach to Public Decision Making
Skillful Engagement with Wicked Issues: A Framework for Analysing the Meaning-Making Structures of Societal Change Agents
Toward Post-metaphysical Enactments: On Epistemic Drives, Negative Capability, and Indeterminacy Analysis
Editorially Reviewed
Was sind, und wie wirken Grundüberzeugungen in unserer Zeit? Über „Paradigmen“ und „Paradigmenveränderungen“ in der heutigen politischen und sozialen Sphäre – und die Folgen. Ein Gespräch mit Roland Benedikter, Stanford Universität (English summary included.) What are basic assumptions, and which effects do they have in our time? On “paradigms” and “paradigm change” in the contemporary political and social domain, and the consequences. A conversation with Roland Benedikter, Stanford University
Art, Poem, and Report from the Field
A Report from the Inaugural European Society for Research in Adult Development (ESRAD) symposium on July 24-25, 2011 in Lund, Sweden
Book Reviews
Organizational Transformation for Sustainability: An Integral Metatheory by Mark G. Edwards (2010). An Appreciative (Over)(Re)View
Review of Hope for Humanity: How Understanding and Healing Trauma Could Solve the Planetary Crisis, by Malcolm Hollick and Christine Connelly (2011)
Transversity: Transdisciplinary Approaches in Higher Education by Sue L. T. McGregor and Russ Volckmann (2011)