Integral Review

A Transdisciplinary and Transcultural Journal For New Thought, Research, and Praxis

Types of submissions

We share the following list to indicate, not restrict, the span of publishable work. In all cases, both English and non-English language works are considered.

  1. “Full length” articles that address a subject in depth and may appeal to general or specific audiences. They might:
    1. Present new thinking, whether theoretical, creative, critical, practical, etc.
    2. Be a traditional research report
    3. Review the literature with an integral analysis of it, on focused subjects of relevance to an IR audience
    4. Report on an informal experiment or case study, or ideas for one
    5. Compare patterns across case studies, events, etc.
    6. Offer a prototype approach to foster change, analysis, etc.
    7. Describe an innovative project proposal to disseminate the idea
    8. Offer an in-depth reflection on experience and learning
    9. Inquire into a particular phenomenon or across phenomena
    10. Present a new hypothesis
  2. Shorter articles that might:
    1. Introduce a new idea or experiment and describe anticipated potentials associated with it, and how it will be pursued further
    2. Share reflections on and explore meaningful experience(s)
    3. Respond to an article or other work previously published in IR or elsewhere, to initiate or extend a critical discourse
    4. Report in summary form on a relevant project or experiment of some kind
    5. Analyze and/or reflect on current events from an integral perspective
  3. Interviews
  4. Short stories
  5. Metaphors
  6. Dramatic scripts
  7. Book reviews
  8. Film reviews
  9. Poetry
  10. Animations, diagrams or other illustrations that portray dynamics, relationships, interactions, development, etc., accompanied by sufficient text to provide meaningful context
  11. Art with, or perhaps without, some sort of context provided for it

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