Integral Review

A Transdisciplinary and Transcultural Journal For New Thought, Research, and Praxis

Posts Tagged ‘O’Fallon’

States and STAGES: Waking up Developmentally

Terri O’Fallon

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Summary of STAGES Validation Research

Tom Murray and Terri O’Fallon

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STAGES Child Research: Preliminary Report


The Loevinger Lineage (Loevinger, Torbert, Cook Greuter, O’Fallon) has much data related to adult development. This includes adults that score at very early levels of development, including Egocentric (late first person perspective in the STAGES model), “Rule Oriented” (early second person perspective), and “Conformist” (late second person perspective). Many of the adult populations comprising the Loevinger lineage research-base at the earliest levels come from adults that are compromised in some way. However, very little research has been done related to first and second person expressions of children, which are the primary ages that take these perspectives. This article describes our first attempt to examine the expressions of children at these levels who have normal healthy expressions of these earliest human perspectives.

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The STAGES Specialty Inventories: Robustness to Variations in Sentence Stems

Terri O’Fallon and Tom Murray

The STAGES developmental model is a variation of prior ego development frameworks that defines developmental levels in terms of three parameters: object of awareness (concrete, subtle, or metaware), individual vs. collective focus, and active/passive orientation. STAGES, like prior frameworks, uses a sentence completion test (SCT) assessment. Prior frameworks rely on exemplar-based scoring that is closely tied into the specific sentence stems. In contrast, STAGES scoring system is based on language properties that do not depend on the sentence stem. Thus STAGES is the first such assessment to be able to freely incorporate alternative sentence stems without the labor intensive process of discovering the full range of specific responses. Though the STAGES theory and assessment methodology easily allow for using alternative sentence stems, the validity of using alternative stems needs to be shown. In this paper we report on internal consistency studies of several “specialty protocols” which are SCT surveys with 6 to 10 of the original 36 stems replaced by stems focused on a particular specially area. Results show strong reliability scores, via the Cronbach’s alpha statistic, for six specialty inventories, on: leadership and organizations, love, education, psychological reflection, climate change, and a children’s SCT.

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A Perspective on Kesler’s Integral Polarity Practice

Tom Murray, with Terri O’Fallon

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Terri O’Fallon’s Notes from the Field

Terri O’Fallon’s Notes from the Field: A Gathering of Developmentalists, published in Integral Leadership Review, Vol. IX, No. 5


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