Integral Review

A Transdisciplinary and Transcultural Journal For New Thought, Research, and Praxis

The Advisory Board

Basarab Nicolescu, Ph.D

Profile Nicolescu

Basarab Nicolescu is a theoretical physicist at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Paris, France, a Professor at the Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, a Member of the Romanian Academy, and President-Founder of the International Center for Transdisciplinary Research and Studies (CIRET). 

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Ervin Laszlo, Ph.D


Ervin Laszlo is Founder and President of The Club of Budapest, Founder and Director of the General Evolution Research Group, President of the Private University for Economics and Ethics of Vienna, Fellow of the World Academy of Arts and Sciences, Member of the International Academy of Philosophy of Science, Senator of the International Medici Academy, and Editor of the international periodical World Futures: The Journal of General Evolution.

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Ian I. Mitroff, Ph.D


Ian I. Mitroff is The Harold Quinton Distinguished Professor of Business Policy at the Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California (USC), Professor of Journalism and Associate Director, The USC Center for Strategic Public Relations at the Annenberg School of Communications at USC, and president of the consulting firm Comprehensive Crisis Management. 

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Michael Basseches, Ph.D


Throughout his career, he has deal with research and scholarship in late adolescent and adult intellectual development, social development, and ego development with emphases on psychotherapy and supervision of psychotherapy, as well as higher education and the workplace, as contexts for late adolescent and adult development.

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Nancy Roof, Ph.D


Nancy B. Roof is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of the integral global journalKosmos, nominated for its excellence and spiritual coverage by the prestigious Utne Independent Press Awards. Kosmos brings leading edge ideas to United Nations Ambassadors, the UN Secretariat, NGOs and the international community of global citizens. 

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Peter Russell


Peter Russell is the widely acclaimed author of the bestsellerThe Global Brain and other pioneering works. He is a fellow of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, of The World Business Academy and of The Findhorn Foundation, and an Honorary Member of The Club of Budapest. 

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Roger Walsh MD., Ph.D., D.H.L


Roger Walsh graduated from Queensland University with degrees in psychology, physiology, neuroscience and medicine. He then came to the United States as a Fulbright scholar to study psychiatry at Stanford University where he passed clinical licensing exams in medicine, psychology and psychiatry. He is currently professor of psychiatry, philosophy, and anthropology, and adjunct professor of religious studies at the University of California at Irvine.

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William Rockwell Torbert, Ph.D.


Leadership Professor Emeritus of Management at the Carroll School of Management at Boston College, Bill Torbert is currently a principal of Action Inquiry Associates, a founding member of the Action Inquiry Fellowship, and Distinguished Visiting Professor at the University of San Diego School of Leadership and Education Sciences. 

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