Integral Review

A Transdisciplinary and Transcultural Journal For New Thought, Research, and Praxis

Vol. 4 No. 2 Dec 2008


Sara Ross

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Validation of Theory: Exploring and Reframing Popper’s Worlds

Steven E. Wallis

Abstract: Popper’s well-known arguments describe the need for advancing social theory through a process of falsification. Despite Popper’s call, there has been little change in the academic process of theory development and testing. This paper builds on Popper’s lesser-known idea of “three worlds” (physical, emotional/conceptual, and theoretical) to investigate the relationship between knowledge, theory, and action. In this paper, I explore his three worlds to identify alternative routes to support the validation of theory. I suggest there are alternative methods for validation, both between, and within, the three worlds and that a combination of validation and falsification methods may be superior to any one method. Integral thinking is also put forward to support the validation process. Rather than repeating the call for full Popperian falsification, this paper recognizes that the current level of social theorizing provides little opportunity for such falsification. Rather than sidestepping the goal of Popperian falsification, the paths suggested here may be seen as providing both validation and falsification as stepping-stones toward the goal of more effective social and organizational theory.

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Integral Evolution: An Interview with David Loye

Russ Volckmann

Appendix to Interview with Loye

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The Toxic Effect on Children of a Degraded U.S. Society, Family, and Educational Context: How Will This Nation Respond?

Carol Hoare

Abstract: This paper explores the relationship among conditions in U.S. society and families and U.S. educational achievement data. Such information, along with related data from 30 OECD countries, shows a marked decline in the U.S. as a context for child development and learning. The focus of the paper is on indicators of decline. Data from the 2008-2009 Measure of America Human Development Report of the Social Science Research Council, as well as related economic and educational data, are highlighted. A point elaborated throughout is that schools are but a microcosm of society, and that they alone cannot rectify educational deficits. In the concluding section questions are posed about the will of U.S. citizens and representative institutions and groups to engage in serious change efforts.

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In Search of Narratives and A Tour to the Flea Market of Signification

Sayyed Mohsen Fatemi


The Resurrection…Paradisio

Andrew Campbell


Advanced Change Theory Revisited: An Article Critique

R. Scott Pochron

Abstract: The complexity of life in 21st century society requires new models for leading and managing change. With that in mind, this paper revisits the model for Advanced Change Theory (ACT) as presented by Quinn, Spreitzer, and Brown in their article, “Changing Others Through Changing Ourselves: The Transformation of Human Systems” (2000). The authors present ACT as a potential model for facilitating change in complex organizations. This paper presents a critique of the article and summarizes opportunities for further exploring the model in the light of current trends in developmental and integral theory.


Review of Price

Nathan Harter

Review of Leadership Ethics: An Introduction, by Terry Price

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Review of Speth

Jan Inglis

Review of The Bridge at the Edge of the World: Capitalism, the Environment, and Crossing from Crisis to Sustainability, by James Gustav Speth

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