Hilary Bradbury and Lara Catone
Abstract: We introduce the paradigm of Action Research for Transformations (ART) as a methodology for developmental reflection and practice within the framework of constructivist adult developmental theory.
We illustrate a relational methodology that inquires how to cultivate self and community so that more of us may live our aspirations for love and power in relationship – including with Earth. This means taking intellectual insight into the realm of practice together.
The relational inquiry of ART invites us to consider the nature of inquiry itself and the need to not just understand but coproduce the kinds of transformations we understand to be necessary for a more sustainable, life enhancing world. Though it has many applications, it is offered here in the context of the cultural struggle to grapple with the transformation of power, especially among women and men, people of color and dominant minorities.
Tags: mutuality, post conventional science, Bradbury, Catone, Action research for transformation (ART), constructivist adult developmental theory, transformative learning praxis, reflexivity, relational power, gender