Integral Review

A Transdisciplinary and Transcultural Journal For New Thought, Research, and Praxis

Posts Tagged ‘coherence’

A Systematic Review of HeartMath© Interventions to Improve Psychological Outcomes in Individuals with Psychiatric Conditions

Dr Lucy Field, Dr Mark Forshaw, Dr Helen Poole

Abstract: Background and objectives: A systematic review was undertaken to assess the effectiveness of HeartMath, heart rate variability biofeedback (HRVB) intervention studies within a variety of psychiatric conditions. Design and methods: Seven databases, including Web of Knowledge, Medline, Psych Info, Cinahl, Psych articles, Web of Science, the Cochrane Library and grey literature, were searched for suitable articles. Of the 1,701 citations identified, eight studies that utilised HeartMath HRVB interventions with psychiatric patients were included in the final analysis. A total of 64 patients aged 12-96 across a range of psychiatric conditions were examined in the systematic review. Results The review cautiously indicates that some groups of patients with psychiatric conditions report psychological improvement following HRVB HeartMath training. Conclusions These studies provide some evidence that HeartMath, HRVB interventions are promising in supporting beneficial outcomes for individuals with psychiatric conditions. The review points to future directions for HRVB interventions using the HeartMath technology.

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The Coherent Heart: Heart–Brain Interactions, Psychophysiological Coherence, and the Emergence of System-Wide Order

Rollin McCraty, Mike Atkinson, Dana Tomasino, and Raymond Trevor Bradley

Abstract: This article presents theory and research on the scientific study of emotion that emphasizes the importance of coherence as an optimal psychophysiological state. A dynamic systems view of the interrelations between psychological, cognitive and emotional systems and neural communication networks in the human organism provides a foundation for the view presented. These communication networks are examined from an information processing perspective and reveal a fundamental order in heart-brain interactions and a harmonious synchronization of physiological systems associated with positive emotions. The concept of coherence is drawn on to understand optimal functioning which is naturally reflected in the heart’s rhythmic patterns. Research is presented identifying various psychophysiological states linked to these patterns, with neurocardiological coherence emerging as having significant impacts on well being. These include psychophysiological as well as improved cognitive performance. From this, the central role of the heart is explored in terms of biochemical, biophysical and energetic interactions. Appendices provide further details and research on; psychophysiological functioning, reference previous research in this area, details on research linking coherence with optimal cognitive performance, heart brain synchronization and the energetic signature of the various psychophysiological modes.

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