Bonnitta Roy
Abstract: A lively discussion about why metaphysics matters in our current Metamodern era. I derive a process model of metaphysics based on Whiteheadian process philosophy. I interweave Gebser’s notion of the mental structure of consciousness into a deeper understanding of the difference between the up-ward synthetic-dialectic of the western mind, and the downward, deconstructive dialectic in the eastern approach. I show how Hartshorne’s process metaphysics resolved both eastern and western dilemmas around the ultimate categories. I end with a description of the problem situation we have of escalating epistemic complexity, and how adopting a process metaphysical praxis can help us renew our ways of meeting the complexity of the world.
Tags: Roy, metaphysics, Complexity science, Dogen, hyperobjects, overmining, Integral Consciousness, process philosophy, Gebser, synthetic-dialectic, Whitehead, postmetaphysics, Nagarjuna