Tom Murray, Bruce Alderman and Layman Pascal
Tags: editorial, Murray, Alderman, Pascal, postmetaphysics
Tom Murray, Bruce Alderman and Layman Pascal
Tags: editorial, Murray, Alderman, Pascal, postmetaphysics
Bruce Alderman, Layman Pascal, Edward Berge and Joseph Farley
Tags: Definitions, Alderman, Pascal, postmetaphysics, integral, spirituality
Bruce Alderman with Edward Berge and Layman Pascal
Tags: postmetaphysics, Alderman, Pascal, magic circles, bubbles, generative enclosures, Berge
Bonnitta Roy
Abstract: A lively discussion about why metaphysics matters in our current Metamodern era. I derive a process model of metaphysics based on Whiteheadian process philosophy. I interweave Gebser’s notion of the mental structure of consciousness into a deeper understanding of the difference between the up-ward synthetic-dialectic of the western mind, and the downward, deconstructive dialectic in the eastern approach. I show how Hartshorne’s process metaphysics resolved both eastern and western dilemmas around the ultimate categories. I end with a description of the problem situation we have of escalating epistemic complexity, and how adopting a process metaphysical praxis can help us renew our ways of meeting the complexity of the world.
Tags: overmining, Integral Consciousness, process philosophy, Gebser, synthetic-dialectic, Whitehead, postmetaphysics, Nagarjuna, Roy, metaphysics, Complexity science, Dogen, hyperobjects
Edward Berge
Abstract: This is an edited summary compilation of my work in several Ning Integral Postmetaphysical Spirituality (IPS) forum discussion threads listed in the bibliography. It will lay out the slow decline and endgame of capitalism, while also highlighting the emerging new socioeconomic system of the collaborative commons. It also criticizes the notion of clinging to conscious capitalism, as if capitalism could be redeemed if only the right consciousness were applied. While conscious capitalism may indeed be a healthy transition step toward the collaborative commons, in itself it is not enough and to the contrary retains many of the inherent elements from a bygone and no longer effective socioeconomic structure.
Tags: Berge, Collaborative commons, postmetaphysics, Capitalism
Oliver Griebel
Abstract: This paper explores the fundamental logical and metaphysical difference between first an either-or dualism, which posits a fundamental alternative, divide or antagonism, second what I call an either-or-and-neither nonduality, which posits a fundamental alternative and at the same time negates it, and third a both-and duality, which interprets a fundamental distinction as an ultimate complementarity. More specifically, the holistic “one/many” complementarity, between Being as a whole and the many beings parts of it, is different from the “emptiness/form” nonduality in the Heart-Sutra/Nagarjuna tradition. Even in spiritual post-postmodern, postmetaphysical, integral approaches there still is a major worldview choice to be made about what the spirit or consciousness of Ultimate Reality is: Is it self-conscious, intentional and caring, about its coherence and beauty, worth and life within. Or is it non-reflexive, transrational, “empty?”
Tags: many-one, postmetaphysics, dualism, nonduality, Griebel, many-one duality, Buddhist logic, duality, emptiness
Tom Murray
Tags: development, spirituality, epistemology, ontology, Murray, metaphysics, postmetaphysics, negative capability, epistemic drives
Tim Winton and David MacLeod
Tags: integral, Winton, PatternDynamics, post-metaphysical spirituality, Macleod, postmetaphysics
Tom Murray, Andrew Venezia and Layman Pascal
Tags: Murray, Pascal, Venezia, deep dialogue, social media spaces, postmetaphysics
Andrew Venezia, Brendan LaChance and Layman Pascal
Tags: Pascal, Venezia, LaChance, Jordan Peterson, religion, postmetaphysics, spirituality, Archetypes, metaphysics
Edward Berge, Tim Winton and Bruce Alderman
Tags: Winton, poems, postmetaphysical edge, postmetaphysics, Alderman, Berge
Visual Art and Artist Essay
Dylan Thomas
Tags: Thomas, postmetaphysics, visual art, art commentary