Integral Review

A Transdisciplinary and Transcultural Journal For New Thought, Research, and Praxis

Posts Tagged ‘Braks’

Leadership Coaching Leads to Later Stage Development

Antoinette Braks

This paper explores a multiple case study based on the effects of a developmentally informed, transformative leadership-coaching methodology. After an average of eight 90-min coaching meetings over 12 months with a Synergist executive coach, 83% of the 12 strategic executive leaders in the case study shifted a full stage, mostly from Achievist to Catalyst; the other 17% shifted two stages from Achievist to Synergist. The paper presents the eight drivers emerging from a thematic analysis of >100 hours of coaching conversations (>100,000 words) that enabled universal later stage development. It draws on the STAGES model to explain the significance of transforming the organisational context and undertaking shadow work. The dynamics of development led to an emergent Vertical Development Theory.

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