Vol. 9 No. 2 Jun 2013
Special Issue
International Symposium: Research Across Boundaries, Part 1
Editor: Markus Molz
Co-Editor: Mark G. Edwards
Surprises Ahead: What Will Be Special about the 21st Century? Why Do We Now Need Boundary-Crossing Research?
Networks of Agape and Creativity: Learning Across Boundaries and the Calling of Planetary Realizations
Towards an Integral Meta-Studies: Describing and Transcending Boundaries in the Development of Big Picture Science
Cybersemiotics: A New Foundation for Transdisciplinary Theory of Information, Cognition, Meaningful Communication and the Interaction Between Nature and Culture
Listening into the Dark: An Essay Testing the Validity and Efficacy of Collaborative Developmental Action Inquiry for Describing and Encouraging Transformations of Self, Society, and Scientific Inquiry
The Arc from the Body to Culture: How Affect, Proprioception, Kinesthesia, and Perceptual Imagery Shape Cultural Knowledge (and vice versa)
New Departures in Tackling Urban Climate Change: Transdisciplinarity for Social Transformation (a critical appraisal of the WBGU 2011 Report)