Integral Review

A Transdisciplinary and Transcultural Journal For New Thought, Research, and Praxis

Posts Tagged ‘ogive cutoff’

Investigating the Validity of the Ogive Aggregation Method, Including the use of Rasch Analysis for the Sentence Completion Test and the STAGES Model

Tom Murray

This project assesses psychometric aspects of the STAGES sentence completion test (SCT) using data from 740 scored surveys, and some of the analysis applies to all variations of the SCT for ego development (meaning making maturity). The goals of this research project include: (1) to apply item response theory (IRT) and Rasch analysis to determine item-level psychometric properties of the SCT that were previously unaddressed in SCT research; and (2) to further investigate suspected problems with the ogive cutoff method for aggregating item scores in the SCT and propose alternatives. The psychometric analysis includes: within-test item normality, item standard deviations, test length analysis, factor analysis, characteristics of and correlations among each item, overall test strength, and construct levels discrimination. A range of issues with the standard ogive cutoff method are described, and a new item aggregation method is then proposed.

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